Welcome Fellow
Traveler of the Internet. You have found the location of a unique web
book seeking to deliver rest and solace to the weary traveler seeking
inter peace and comfort to their soul.
web book will take you through a quest for truth. It is strongly
cautioned and advised that you will personally be held accountable for
those truths you learn. You should have a companion along with you, it
has been called "The Holy Bible." To some it is a book of mystery, to
others a book of fables. You will develop a respect and awareness of the
value and validity of the written words contained there in, if you seek
to understand with the help of prayer.
you choose to leave and travel elsewhere on the web, you are encouraged
to do so because this web book is meant for only those who truly feel
called to seek answers to life's questions pertaining to the spiritual
side of life. If you read on, we would encourage e-mails, as you feel directed to send them and respond to what you are experiencing.
serve the Living God Almighty, Our Father in Heaven, and as such this
web book will probably be undergoing continual revision and expansion as
we seek to serve and honor the Living God of this Universe. Therefore
somewhere within the pages of this web book you will probably find
something .
we respect people’s right to believe and worship as they so choose or
choose not to worship, this web book is not the place for diverse views
of personal religious propaganda. We seek to publish the truth and only
the truth as defined within the Holy Bible. Recognizing the fallibility
of humans, there will be corrections made as mistakes and/or
misunderstandings are discovered. It is your personal responsibility to prove, through the scriptures, if what is written is a correct and valid understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
[Jesus said to His Father] "I
have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they
are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray that you
should not take them out of the world, but that you should keep them
from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them through Your truth: Your word is truth." (John 17:14-17 KJV Rev).
througout this web book you might notice "KJV Rev" as many biblical
quotes may be from the 1611 CE King James Version with Revision done by
the webmaster of this site to enable a better understanding of the
biblical meaning as applied to today's language with no intent to
defraud nor deceive any person regarding the text as quoted and revised
for today's language and comprehension. At other times if no quote is
referenced, Biblical translation might be from the Orginal Order Bible,
"AFV," which is A Faithful Version of the Holy Scriptures. Take
note: in an effort to augment the comprehension and understanding of
the intent of the meaning of the holy scriptures many sources of
scripture may be used. We will not be quoting the source other than to
quote the scripture. It is your personal responsibility to examine the
scriptures and determine what is the truth and what if anything might be
spurious. We have no intent to defraud nor pervert the truth.
For further understanding click on this link: Are You Spiritually Blind?
Ekklesia Church of God is founded upon Biblical Principles and
exercises God Granted Freedom of Choice. Located in the Confines of the
United States of America and guaranteed U.S. Constitutional First
Amendment Rights, "Congress shall make NO law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
The Ekklesia Church of God is a "Free Church." We are tax exempt by constutional authority and do not ascribe to the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). We do not borrow money from the USA government. We are New Covenant Saints, Revelation 14:12, ~We practice and love God by keeping the Commandments of God and Believe that Jesus is the Christ, our soon coming Savior.
12:1-2 Sums up our focus: "I exhort you therefore, brethren, by the
mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and well
pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service. Do not conform
yourselves to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind in order that you may prove what is well pleasing and good, and the
perfect will of God."