Many Prophesies can apply to many people. The Bible and Salvation, as well as deliverance apply to all peoples. Almighty God is the originator of our inspirations. The Special Words that originate from the Most High, that Almighty God has inspired the Ekklesia Church of God put into print, are free, without any person having to pay for them or be concerned about "copyright protection." If you want to copy it for others to read, you are free to do so! We do not place words from the Lord in a "copyright protection" so no one else could publish it without special recognition or approval from an originating ministry. We do not request money for the use of information from this web site. We do ask that you in turn follow the instructions received from God's word in Proverbs 23:23 "Buy — and do not sell — truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding." Sure it costs money to publish and finance a web site as well as other services as the Lord provides. Our focus is not money. However donations are accepted if, you feel so inclined to donate.
The Ekklesia Church of God accepts free will offerings, but does not teach tithe paying as that was put in place to support the now defunct Levitical priesthood. We are not hirelings and do not need to live off the people's substance moneys. Search New Testament writings and you will discover that Christ and the Apostles kept the Sabbath Day, but did not require "tithes" from peoples. They were men who had occupations that supported their needs. Their focus was not financial.
The Ekklesia Church of God is composed of New Covenant Saints seeking to worship God in spirit and truth. We are a worldwide ministry and not a business. Jesus asked Peter in: John 21:17 "…the third time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' Peter was grieved that He asked him the third time, 'Do you love Me?' He said, 'Lord, You know everything! You know that I love You.' Then Jesus said, 'Feed My sheep.' " In the spirit of providing truth and comfort to other peoples who need the love of God to enrich their lives; this internet site service is provided free without charge.
Paul, a disciple of Christ, was a tent maker and lived in his own hired house. Some other disciples were fishermen who had opportunity to return to their occupations at any time they so chose. One was a physician and another was a tax collector. They, and others, were gainfully employed and had they collected tithes, the "Jewish community" would have protested with a vengeance! However, sadly many false ministers today focus on the collection of monies from "their" congregations to insure the purchase of resplendent comfort for the "ministers." To demand the paying of tithe from peoples is to ignore what the New Covenant teaches about "WEALTH."
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