The Cost of Following Christ or Mammon (Satan's World)
Prelude: Errors are Forgiven - Deliberate Sin is Deadly |
The precepts of God do not change. In the Old Testament, the blood sacrifice of animals was a type looking forward to the blood sacrifice of Messiah. In the New Testament, the book of Hebrews confirms that the blood sacrifice covered only the ERRORS of the people never the presumptuous or willful sin. Hebrews 9:7 "But into the second [tabernacle] went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the ERRORS of the people." The word "error" is from the Greek: agnoema, which means: "a sin, (strictly, that committed through ignorance or thoughtlessness)". Thayer's Greek Lexicon (Strong's # 51) any people believe that the blood sacrifice covered all the deliberate sins of the people of Israel, but as you can see, it covered only ERRORS (i.e. the sins of ignorance). It is the same with the blood of Jesus. When we are truly "begotten of God" the blood of Jesus covers all past sins and all future sins of ignorance. But those who deliberately transgress the law of God are committing sin and the blood of Jesus does not cover their willful disobedience. The book of Hebrews carefully warns believers that the sacrifice of Jesus would not cover willful sin. It is written in Hebrews 10:26 "For if we SIN WILFULLY after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains NO MORE SACRIFICE FOR SINS. BUT a certain fearful looking for of judgement and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries." The adversaries are those who rebel against God. They are believers who have "come to the knowledge of the truth" and have been set free from the power of sin. They have the law of God written in their hearts by the Holy Spirit and yet break it with a high hand. By their rebellion, they become the enemy of God and will be punished with Satan and his angels. 1 Samuel 15:23.
Do NOT Practice Sin |
Many will try and point to King David and his affair with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. They will say that David sinned presumptuously and God forgave him! That is indeed a good question which demands an answer. The simplest response is to let the Scriptures decide why David was forgiven. The answer is that David had not yet grown to the point where God considered him to be a "righteous man" as defined by the Lord in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel 18: 12 "But if the WICKED turn away from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. [18:24] "But when the RIGHTEOUS turn away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man do, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die." The Lord says that if a WICKED man (as David proved himself to be) turned way from all his sins he would live, [18:21] but if the RIGHTEOUS man turned back to his wicked ways he would die. [18:24] If, in fact, David had fully repented and turned from his wickedness before his sin with Bathsheba, he would have been a righteous man who had turned away from his righteousness and therefore condemned to death. However, since we know that. David was not condemned, we also know that he could not have been a "righteous" man when he committed sin with Bathsheba. It is the same today, if a wicked man turns away from his wickedness he will be forgiven. But the believer who has turned from his wickedness and then been delivered by Jesus from his sin and then again turns back to evil, (like the dog returning to his own vomit); he will be condemned to death on Judgement Day. Believers who think they can commit willful sin and still be saved from God's wrath because their sin will be covered by the blood of Jesus have been deceived by the same Great Serpent who seduced Eve into disobeying God's law by saying: "You shall not surely die." Genesis 3:4. Please do not listen to or follow that liar or his modern day helpers. John 8:44. "The one who practices sin is of the devil…," "Everyone who has been begotten by God does not practice sin…" 1 John 3:8-9. In order to have eternal life, the believer must come to the point where he has ceased from willful sin completely and forever. No matter what one has been told by his church, the Bible says that anyone who finds himself still committing willful sin is not of God. We are not truly begotten of God until we have totally committed ourselves to obey God's law and surrendered our own will completely to His will. We often break God's law without even knowing it. Since the sin is done in ignorance, the atoning death of Jesus covers it. But once we recognize what we are doing is sin and confess it, we Must Stop doing it. If we refuse to stop, we are guilty of rebellion and will be condemned on Judgement Day because we refused to accept Jesus as our Lord. Jesus asked: "And why call you me, Lord, Lord and do not the things I say?" Luke 6:46. "We know that anyone who is begotten by God DOES NOT PRACTICE SIN…" 1 John 5:18. As sin is revealed by the Holy Spirit those who really are born of God quit doing it. Eventually all sin is revealed and thus they quit doing all sin. On the other hand, the believer who continues to disobey even one of God's Ten Commandments (including the Sabbath) is in rebellion. Be quite assured there will be no rebels in God's kingdom. God doesn’t want us to be isolated from other believers. They may not be perfect, but we aren’t either. We need each other. When we cut ourselves off from other believers our spiritual lives are weaker and incomplete. We need the understanding that comes from the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, as well as the love and friendship that grow from fellowship with other believers. God also wants us to serve Him. The Bible says, "And let us be concerned about one another, and be stirring up one another unto love and good works; Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, even as some are accustomed to do; but rather, encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. For if we willfully go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins, But a terrifying expectation of inevitable judgment and of fierce fire, which will devour the adversaries of God." Hebrews 10:24-27.
God is not going to accept or allow "excuses" |
God is not going to accept or allow any "so called" Excuses He said when we put our hand to the plow we should not be looking back, Lot's wife looked back. He said if we commit to following then we need to mean it 100% that means God and His laws, His church, His people first and foremost. That includes your family. Lot's wife looked back; she desired the sins of the world that she was being taken out of. She disobeyed the instruction to not look back if she wanted salvation. Luke 17:32, and Genesis 19:17 & 26. Excuses why people do not attend: Money gives people options, so they turn to mammon over God. Money options. Technology options. Travel options. Options for their kids. Affluence is one of the factors moving people further from the true God and His laws. Focus on kids’ activities: More kids are playing sports. Many sports happen on weekends. Parents are choosing sports over fellowship. Another God to worship, ignoring instruction in Hebrews 10:25. Travel is on the rise: More families travel for leisure, even if it’s just out of town to go camping or to a friend’s place or a weekend at the lake: Putting people and things before God's commandments. Online Options: Many churches have created a social media presence and podcast their messages launching online service to you. While this helps people who live far away or are housebound and ill, infirm who really cannot attend this should not be the norm for healthy able families. This goes against the biblical instruction to not forsake fellowship and iron sharpening iron. Proverbs 27:17. Online Church is convenient and people think they can have an hour then go play and break the Sabbath anyway and NO ONE knows. Except God does know, Exodus 20:8-11 and Deut. 5:12-15. Many do not have a sense of guilt or responsibility to attend church services. They don't feel it really matters. They have been sold by false teachings such as: "God loves them anyway and they have Salvation just believing in Christ." Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13. Which master do you serve? People are looking less to the church to help them grow spiritually, and more to other options. In an age where we have access to everything, more people are self-directing their spirituality…for better or for worse. They are seeking towards "Good Vibes," "The Universe," and "God will Understand" theories. They want a shallow relationship with others and with God. People always make time for the things they value most. People may say they love the church yet if they rarely attend for umpteen reasons, chances are because they don’t see the value in being there, week after week. Nor do they understand that fellowship can mean their very salvation to eternal life. People make time for what they value most. If people don’t make time for church once they have stated they would follow God; and week after week find a reason to not attend fellowship, then they have lied to themselves, but more over they have lied to God and the Holy Spirit. There are always people in crisis who seek God. But many are content with their lives without God. If they start coming to church services, they don’t attend every week. They are disconnected and haven't formed good relationships with other members or with God. Leaving those who attend feeling stressed, lonely and starving for the fellowship and leaving them to carry other burdens as well. God intends His church to have a sense of family, sharing one another's blessings, joys and sorrows, and seek one another out even during the week. They do not want commitment; just in case something better might pop up that they would rather do. They do not think how they hurt and offend God Himself for rejecting His invitation to His ONE Day a week that He especially made for humanity. His children, who He wants to come sit together, and share their week, their plans and goals for the future, their hurts and sorrows and their joys and blessings. By choosing other pursuits on a regular basis, you reject the family of God and His gift of Salvation through the shed blood of His Only Begotten Son who laid His life down for all. Do you choose mammon (the world and all its fun, glitter, glory, and money), or do you choose God and His family of believers and a future hope for eternal life and salvation? This does not mean a believer cannot on a rare occasion go camping or attend a wedding of a family member on a Sabbath day. But if they want to attend every single birthday of every relative or every sport event or go to the neighborhood barbecue every weekend. They have not committed to God or His laws and they have chosen the world. Christ invited people to follow Him, but many made excuses and had other things to do "First." There is always going to be a "Worldly First" because Satan likes to tempt, entice, and lure you away from Salvation. Satan will constantly have something interesting, exciting and fun to do, to temp you to break God's laws.
Those who Practice Sin are Without Excuse! |
"Indeed, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest among them, for God has manifested it to them; For the invisible things of Him are perceived from the creation of the world, being understood by the things that were made—both His eternal power and Godhead— so that they are without excuse; Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but they became vain in their own reasonings (philosophy), and their foolish hearts were darkened. While professing themselves to be the wise ones, they became fools..." Romans 1:18-22. |
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The Cost of Following Christ or Mammon (Satan's World)